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Beta feature, subject to change.

This class extends Displayble

Image is very important for a visual novel. It is used to show the appearance of the character.

In NarraLeaf-React, Image only controls the appearance of the character. It does not control the dialogues of the character. For that, you can use Character.

Public Method



You cannot mix tag-based image and src-based image in the same image.

Tag-based Image

For example, if you have an image that has tags like happy, sad, angry, you can use tag-based image.

Here is an example of tag-based image.

const image = new Image({
    src: {
        groups: [
            ["happy", "sad", "angry"],
            ["shirt", "jacket", "t-shirt"],
            ["trousers", "skirt", "shorts"],
        defaults: ["happy", "shirt", "trousers"],
        resolve: (emotion, top, bottom) => `https://your/image/src/${emotion}_${top}_${bottom}.png`
    } as const,
// The default image will be `https://your/image/src/happy_shirt_trousers.png`

Note: You cannot have two identical tags in the same group or in different groups.

const image = new Image({
    src: {
        groups: [
            ["a", "b", "c"],
            ["1", "2", "3"],
            ["a"], // INVALID, tag "a" is already in the first group
            ["x", "y", "y"], // INVALID, tag "y" is duplicated
        defaults: ["a"], // INVALID, default definition must have a full set of tags
    } as const,
    /* ... */

Src-based Image

If you don't have tags, you can use src-based image.

const image = new Image({
    src: "https://your/image/src.png",

Wearable Image

You can add some wearables to the image.
The wearable image will move/scale/animate with the main image.

const child = new Image({
    /* ... */
const parent = new Image({
    /* ... */

Note: The image can only have one parent.


Copy the image.

  • Returns Image
const newImage = image.copy();


Use a layer for the image

const layer = new Layer(/* ... */);

Chainable Method


Set the figure of the character

  • src: ImageSrc | Color | SelectElementFromEach<Tags> | FlexibleTuple<SelectElementFromEach<Tags>> - The source of the image
  • transition?: ImageTransition - For ImageTransition, see Transition
image.char("your/image/src", new Fade(1000));

or for tag-based image

// happy, shirt, trousers
const image = new Image({
    tag: {
        groups: [
            ["happy", "sad", "angry"],
            ["shirt", "jacket", "t-shirt"],
            ["trousers", "skirt", "shorts"],
        defaults: ["happy", "shirt", "trousers"],
    } as const,
    /* ... */
//  happy , [jacket], [t-shirt]
image.char(["jacket", "t-shirt"], new Fade(1000));
// [angry],  jacket ,  t-shirt
image.char(["angry"], new Fade(1000));


Add a wearable to the image

Wearable is a feature that allows you to add an image that related to the main image. For example, you can add a hat to the character. And that wearable image will move/scale/animate with the main image.

  • children: Image | Image[] - Wearable image or images
  • Returns this
const childImage = new Image(/* ... */);


Alias of addWearable


Bind this image to a parent image as a wearable

  • parent: Image - Parent image
  • Returns this


Alias of bindWearable