
Word<T extends string | DynamicWord | Pausing = string | DynamicWord | Pausing>


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Word is a part of the Sentence. It is used to style the text.

Constructing a red word:

import { Word } from 'narraleaf-react';
const word = new Word("Hello", {color: "#f00"});

Constructing a word with ruby text:

const word = new Word("你好", {ruby: "nǐ hǎo"});

Constructing a dynamic word:

// This word will be executed when it is displayed
const word = new Word((ctx) => 
    `Now it is ${new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}`
, {color: "#f00"});

Static Method


  • obj: any - The object to check
  • Returns true if the object is an instance of Word, otherwise false.


  • text: string | Word - The text or Word instance to color
  • color: Color - The color to apply, see Color
  • Returns a new Word instance with the specified color.


  • text: string | Word - The text or Word instance to make bold
  • Returns a new Word instance with bold formatting.


  • text: string | Word - The text or Word instance to italicize
  • Returns a new Word instance with italic formatting.

Public Method


  • text: T - The content of the word
  • config?: Partial<WordConfig> - WordConfig


If the word is a string, it will return the string. Otherwise, it will return an empty string.

  • Returns string