type VoiceIdMap = Record<string | number, string | Sound>;
type VoiceSrcGenerator = (id: string | number) => string | Sound;
interface ISoundUserConfig {
* Sound source should be a URL or a base64 string
src: string;
* Whether to loop, if sync and loop are both true, sync will be treated as **false**
* @default false
loop: boolean;
* Initial volume, between 0 and 1
* @default 1
volume: number;
* Playback rate, 0.5 to 4
* @default 1
rate: number;
* Set to `true` to force HTML5 Audio.
* This should be used for large audio files
* so that you don't have to wait for the full file to be downloaded and decoded before playing.
* @default false
streaming: boolean;
* Initial position in seconds
* @default 0
seek: number;