Play Sounds


In NarraLeaf-React, you can play sounds by using the Sound element.

const sound = new Sound({
    src: "https://YOUR_SOUND_URL.mp3",
    volume: 0.5, // 0.0 to 1.0
    loop: true, // loop the sound
    sync: false, // do not wait for the sound to finish

Play Sound

You can play the sound by adding it to the scene.

scene1.action([, // If the sound is sync, the scene will wait for the sound to finish

Sound Actions

You can pause/resume/fade/stop/setVolume/setRate the sound.

    character1.say`The sound is paused`,
    character1.say`The sound is resumed`,

For more information about the Sound, please read the Sound documentation.

Background Music

You can add the music to the scene, the scene will automatically play the music when it starts.

const scene = new Scene("scene 1", {
    backgroundMusic: YOUR_SOUND_INSTANCE,
    backgroundMusicFade: 1000, // if specified, when the scene changes, the music will fade in/out in 1000ms

Sound Effects

You can easily create a sound effect with these configurations.

const soundEffect = new Sound({
    src: "https://YOUR_SOUND_URL.mp3",
    sync: false,

When the sound effect is played, it will not wait for the sound to finish.