You can access and manage the preferences using this hook.
Note: this hook can only be used in a component that is a descendant of GameProvider.
function usePreference<K extends StringKeyOf<GamePreference>>(
key: K
): [GamePreference[K], (value: GamePreference[K]) => void];
- For GamePreference, see GamePreference.
This hook is similar to useState (opens in a new tab) hook. It returns a tuple containing the current value and a function to update the value.
import {usePreference} from "narraleaf-react";
function myComponent() {
const [autoForward, setAutoForward] = usePreference("autoForward");
function triggerAutoForward() {
setAutoForward(current => !current);
return (
Auto Forward: {autoForward ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"}
<button onClick={triggerAutoForward}>
Toggle Auto Forward