type ServiceHandlerCtx = ScriptCtx & {
onAbort: (handler: () => void) => void;
type ServiceHandler<Args extends any[]> = (ctx: ServiceHandlerCtx, ...args: Args) => void | Promise<void>;
For ScriptCtx, see ScriptCtx.
Service action should be abortable for future use.
To make an action abortable, you can use the onAbort
class MyCustomService extends Service {
constructor() {
this.onAction("myAction", (ctx: ServiceHandlerCtx, ...args: any[]) => {
const abortController = new AbortController();
const { signal } = abortController;
const promise = fetch("", { signal }); // some async operation
ctx.onAbort(() => {
abortController.abort(); // abort the async operation
return promise; // if you return a promise, the game will wait for the promise to resolve