Displayable defines all the properties and methods that a displayable element should have. Displayable elements are elements that can be displayed on the screen.
Ex. Image, Text
Chainable Methods
Transform the element to a new position.
xalign: 0.3
}, 1000, "linear"); // Move the element to x: 0.3 in 1000ms with linear ease.
position: CommonDisplayableConfig["position"]
- The new position of the element, see CommonDisplayableConfigduration?: number
- The duration of the transform in millisecondseasing?: TransformDefinitions.EasingDefinition
- The easing function to use, see TransformDefinitions.EasingDefinition
Scale the element.
element.scale(2, 1000, "easeInOut"); // Scale the element to 2x in 1000ms with easeInOut ease.
scale: number
- The new scale of the element, between 0 and 1duration?: number
- The duration of the transform in millisecondseasing?: TransformDefinitions.EasingDefinition
- The easing function to use, see TransformDefinitions.EasingDefinition
Rotate the element.
element.rotate(90, 1000, "easeInOut"); // Rotate the element to 90 degrees in 1000ms with easeInOut ease.
angle: number
- The new angle of the element in degreesduration?: number
- The duration of the transform in millisecondseasing?: TransformDefinitions.EasingDefinition
- The easing function to use, see TransformDefinitions.EasingDefinition
Change the opacity of the element.
element.opacity(0.5, 1000, "easeInOut"); // Change the opacity of the element to 0.5 in 1000ms with easeInOut ease.
opacity: number
- The new opacity of the element, between 0 and 1duration?: number
- The duration of the transform in millisecondseasing?: TransformDefinitions.EasingDefinition
- The easing function to use, see TransformDefinitions.EasingDefinition
Apply a custom transform to the element.
element.transform(new Transform(
/* Transform Definitions */
transform: Transform
- The custom transform to apply to the element, see Transform
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Show the element immediately.
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Show the element with custom transform.
/* Transform Definitions */
options: Transform
- The custom transform to apply to the element, see Transform
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Show the element with transform config. A transform with alpha:1 will be applied to the element.
duration: 1000,
ease: "easeInOut",
options: Partial<TransformDefinitions.CommonTransformProps>
- See TransformDefinitions.CommonTransformProps
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Hide the element immediately.
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Hide the element with custom transform.
/* Transform Definitions */
options: Transform
- The custom transform to apply to the element, see Transform
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Hide the element with transform config. A transform with alpha:0 will be applied to the element.
duration: 1000,
ease: "easeInOut",
options: Partial<TransformDefinitions.CommonTransformProps>
- See TransformDefinitions.CommonTransformProps