


Deprecated interface

Transition effect is used to animate the Image or Scene when changing image or background of the scene.

interface ITransition<T extends ElementProp = Record<string, any>> {
    events: EventDispatcher<EventTypes<[T[]]>>;
    controller: AnimationPlaybackControls | null | undefined;
    start(onComplete?: () => void): void;
    toElementProps(): T[];
    copy(): ITransition<T>;

Public Method


Start the transition effect.

  • onComplete?: () => void - Callback function that will be called when the transition is completed.

You can request animation by calling Base.prototype.requestAnimation if you extend the Base class.

    start: 0,
    end: 1,
    duration: this.duration
}, {
    onUpdate: (value) => {
        this.state.opacity = value;


Returns an array of ElementProps, each element represents the properties of the image element.

Here is an example of Dissolve.ts (opens in a new tab):

public toElementProps(): (DissolveProps & ElementProp)[] {
    return [
        { // for the first image
            style: {opacity: this.state.opacity},
        { // for the second image
            style: {opacity: 1 - this.state.opacity},
            src: this.src,

When we dissolve the image, we actually render two images at the same time. The first image has an opacity of this.state.opacity, and the second image has an opacity of 1 - this.state.opacity.
So that the first image will gradually disappear, and the second image will gradually appear.


Returns a new instance of the transition effect.

Public Property


You don't need to override this property.


You don't need to override this property.

Custom Transition

You can create your own transition effect by implementing the ITransition (opens in a new tab) interface and extends the Base (opens in a new tab) class.

Here is an example of Dissolve.ts (opens in a new tab):

import {Base, ITransition} from 'narraleaf-react';
type DissolveProps = {
    style: {
        opacity: number;
    src?: string;
 * @class Dissolve
 * @implements ITransition
 * @extends Base
 * @description Dissolve transition effect
export class Dissolve extends Base<DissolveProps> implements ITransition<DissolveProps> {
    private duration: number;
    private opacity = 0;
    private src: string | undefined;
     * Image will dissolve from one image to another
    constructor(duration: number = 1000, src?: string) {
        this.duration = duration;
        if (src) {
            this.src = src;
    setSrc(src: string) {
        this.src = src;
    public start(onComplete?: () => void): void {
        this.state.opacity = 1;
            start: 1,
            end: 0,
            duration: this.duration
        }, {
            onUpdate: (value) => {
                this.opacity = value;
    public toElementProps() {
        return [
                style: {opacity: this.opacity},
                style: {opacity: 1 - this.opacity},
                src: this.src,
    copy(): ITransition<DissolveProps> {
        return new Dissolve(this.duration, this.src);